Are you a Graphic Designer?

Sell your own BookCoverly templates on our website! Many of our customers are searching for ready-made templates to edit.

How This Works:

  • Design a cover template in BookCoverly and send to us for display.
  • Each template can be purchased an unlimited amount of times, you earn passive income with each sale.
  • You set the price for your own templates.


  • $5 per design submission (unlimited submissions)
  • $2 per sale transaction

For example: You design a template and set a price of $20. The first sale of that template you will earn $13, and every sale after that you will earn $18 per sale.

How To Get Started:

  1. Fill out the form below.
  2. Share two covers for review as outlined in our artist guide.
  3. Submit your cover template(s) for display on our site.
  4. When someone purchases your template, you’ll receive an email notification.
  5. Get paid! We payout through PayPal every Monday.

Got questions? Let us know. We’re excited for you to join our team!

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